Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Disco Bike - Radio test

This is a test of a cheap 433Mhz transmitter and reciever from SparkFun electronics. Together they cost only $7 for the pair. I did a test with two arduinos one transmitting data and the other recieving, both outputing over serial to debug. The fidelity seemed pretty good (Although it was only short range ~1m) without an antenna. This video shows a test using the musical output of the computer which is sent to an anolog pin on the arduino. The Arduino reads the voltage and sends a byte to the transmitter. The receiver on the other end then pulls that value in and is SUPPOSED to adjust the brightness of the LEDs accordingly.

Unfortunately, the signal is two noises causing the value to fluctuate wildly. The instability also means that the LEDs are on for a very short period so its difficult to see the lights change their state.


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